Sunday, May 24, 2009


We have honey bees and harvest the honey to sell along with our fruits and veggies. We leave the honey in it's raw form since that's how our customers request it. We have many people that have always bought it by the case (12 jars). We sell it in pints and in quarts. I even have some at home (from last falls crop). I cook with it a good bit.

When John (hubby) started with his allergies it did not even dawn on me to start giving him honey. We have customers that swear by local honey for all sorts of aliments. Mostly, we hear how it helps their allergies.

After this last bad attack that landed John in the doctors office he started taking a tablespoon every morning on the 16th (Saturday) of this month. He has not had one attack since. He even bushhogged several acres yesterday and mowed our grass. We are very pleased and will endorse local, raw honey from now on! Maybe this could help someone out there.

What do you use for your allergies? Do you have any home remedies? Blessings!


ADMIN said...

I just suffer though, but I have heard that hone is an old time cure.

Nico said...

I love to use Honey for allergies too. I haven't spotted our local vendors at the Farmer's Market yet, but when I do I'll be picking up some honey.

Nikki said...

John (my John, that is) has allergies, too. I wonder if this would help him. It's worth a try!

Leahann said...

Hmmm I can certainly think of less tasty things to take for my allergies. Seems a spoonful of honey each morning wouldn't be so bad to take at all.

Thanks for the tip.

whitsend6 said...

I've had several people tell me I should try honey for my allergies, but haven't been able to find any that's local yet. Too bad we don't live closer together so I could just get some of yours!!! I do have some homeopathic remedies that usually work pretty well, but for some reason the past couple of weeks I've had some spells they just haven't hit. I need to do some more checking around for that honey though....maybe that would do the trick! :-)

~Babychaser~ said...

Glad that worked!! We LOVE raw honey and go through quite a bit of it. We are dreaming of the day we have our own land and can keep bees for their honey. In the mean time, my hubby found a guy online who sells. We got our first 5 gallon bucket of raw honey in the mail a couple months back. Just stuck a mailing label right on the bucket! :)

MyKidsMom said...

How wonderful that it's helped your hubby! I've heard the same thing said about raw (local) honey, but still didn't think of it while my son has been suffering especially bad allergy symptoms this year. I'm going to make some calls tomorrow and see if I can find a place to buy some... it would have to be cheaper than going through allergy meds that don't seem to do much anyway*sigh* Thanks for mentioning it Marva:)