Wow! It is so hard to believe another month has come and gone and summer is on it's way out the door!
My Mom is much better but we still do not have a diagnosis. She had a muscle biopsy last results yet. She has rededicated her life and is back in church with my Daddy. We are just just thrilled! She gives her testimony to everyone and anyone that will listen! God is so good!
My cousin, Regina had her liver transplant last Monday and is recovering well....but slowly.
The ones with cancer are doing well. One is still doing chemo but the pet scan showing excellent improvement. One had a masctomy and is home doing treatments needed! The other is doing radiation and has a ways to go but we are staying positive!
My Dad is doing well! We celebrated his 77th birthday this month. He got a new truck! He so deserved one. His other one is a 1997 and has over 240,000 miles on it. We are so blessed to have him with us!
The boys have been sick with the crud and Mason also had a stomach virus last weekend! No fun for any of us! They are loving school and progressing nicely!
The growing season is slowing, finally. We are short on rain and it was a hard year! We are very blessed though. We have been able to sock back more moolah than last year. We bought a new sofa (with recliners on each end) for the retreat and a new recliner for the living room since John's has been broken for over 3 months.
Went back to the dentist yesterday. They could do nothing until I have a root canal. The pain was really bad this morning. Ibuprofen has become my best friend! Not funny! After the root canal, there will be a crown for that one and a bridge as well as 2 more crowns and a filling and then the cleaning. Not looking forward to that!
I am looking forward to football season and the beach (next month). I still have 3 more Tuesdays for markets and 5 more Thursdays for markets. We are still picking lots of peaches and have 2 more varieties to work through after we finish the 4 we are in now. We are also picking pears (Orient, Asian and Kiefer). Then on to apple season!
I still need to make pear preserves, apple butter, apple sauce and a few other things. Oh and chow chow! I have filled the freezer up and done several hundred jars of canning as well. I need to can some more peach salsa for gifts.
John and I have started a lifestyle change. We started about A week ago trying to eliminate the junk food level in the house as well as cutting our portions and sugar back. Tomorrow is the official day though. My weigh in day is on Monday. I have lost 3 pounds in one week! Yay me! We are also going to incorporate exercise in there too! I think our family present this year will be a Wii. I have heard great things about those for fitness! What are your thoughts on the Wii? Do you have one?
Speaking of Christmas............I can't wait! I have most of our presents already bought for family and friends. I will be making several homemade gifts this year as well.
Well, I think breakfast is calling!
Hope everyone is well!