You know life just stinks sometimes. I have two of the sweetest, beautiful children in the world, the greatest parents and brother ever and a wonderful husband too. Things go along just fine and then one day life throws a pickle your way. You know the kind I'm talking about; so sour that you actually pucker and well it's a pickle you have to eat it. Not much else you can do with a pickle. It's not like a lemon (for making lemonade). LOL Anyhow, over the last few months it feels like we've been throw a jar of pickles. I will not lie, it has been awful at times.
Besides my marriage almost ending, myself having a serious staph infection in my sinuses (that I am STILL being treated for -3 months out), relatives passing away and my Mom's serious condition, we are thriving. There are days I forget how we are doing just that but for those of you that don't know it is by the grace of God. I have learned so much about myself the last month alone. God gets me through the days and at night when I collapse in bed of pure exhaustion beside my husband and we pray; I know everything is going to be alright. Praise HIM! Thank you Lord for your blessings!
Yesterday, Mom and I went back to the id doc (funny how we have the same one). She is getting better. He took out the picc line and she got to start on the oral version of the antibiotics. She is still dazed at times and gets things mixed up, she has little short term memory but we are blessed. The swelling/fluid seems to be decreasing in/on the brain. We see the neuro doc the end of the month. We will know more then about any permanent damage. There is high possibility of that but God has this. He will see us through! She still cannot remember meds and such and cannot do anything in the house (cook or clean). She sleeps a lot. The neuro doc said it is good for the brain to heal, so we let her sleep and we wake her for meals and meds. She is still on anti seizure meds as well. The home health nurse still comes as well as physical therapy but she seems to be getting around better!
In the meantime (actually in December) John and I decided to take charge of our health and change things up for the better. We waited until after Christmas was over but then the id doc would not give me the go ahead with the diet program. So we waited and waited and I finally decided it was now or never so we started on it this past Friday (3/5). It has been hard, very hard in fact. I want to be healthy and loose the weight but I love my food. I love everything about food; shopping for it, growing it, picking it, menu planning, preparing it and cooking it! Most of all I love eating it!!! This will not be easy for this southern girl! I guess I should be glad pickles are not allowed on this diet!!!! At least not the kind we've been served up lately! LOL