Monday, April 26, 2010
The Albertville Tornado
Many of you know that a tornado came very close the other night. However, this is the same one only it touched down in this town (Albertville), about 35 miles from us. We are very blessed! I feel so sorry for these people. We have friends and family there. The Foodland store carries out peaches. You will see photos of it below. Please pray for all of those affected by tornados over the weekend!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
A Sick One
Except it is me this time........once again. I have been on 2 different antibiotics in the last three weeks. The sore throat and ear ache came back yesterday. I feel like pooh! I called the ENT and he is very concerned since the right side (that was reconstructed) is stopped up again. The bones had fused together and they had to break and reconstruct them. The pressure is so bad and my face actually hurts. I go EARLY in the morning to be worked in. Please say a prayer.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
She Fought the Fight and Won
Aunt Bonnie sits at HIS feet tonight as she left the earth this morning. She won her battle with cancer. She is in NO pain and is NOT suffering. Please be in prayer for her husband and daughter.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
Rough Few Days but Happy Good Friday!
Thank you Father for sending your Son and Saving us and thank you for him rising again! I praise Him today and always for He lives!!!! Happy Good Friday to you all!!!
The last few days have been rough to say the least. The boys got great checkups Wednesday from the pediatrician. John is 35#, 41.25 inches tall. Mason is 40#, 41 inches tall. They are doing great after each a finger stick and 2 vaccines, except for their allergies. John's had already started acting up and now his are full blown and Mason are right behind. I have been up for 2 nights straight and John slept in our bed Tuesday night. Noses are running, sneezing and John just coughs, coughs, coughs, Mason's eyes are staying swollen. We are using some over the counter things and John had a steroid to help the inflammation in the lungs and lessen the coughing some. We also have started giving John honey, Mason will not touch it. They say if it is raw and local (it is since it's from our bees) that it will help with allergies. It has helped Big John and we are hoping for the same with Lil one.I also am using plain saline spray in their noses.
So, what works for your kiddos allergies? Would my pharmacist friend like to add something here....? Please!!! I am so tired and have a full blown sinus infection to boot and could use some advice!
The ped said the boys need some exposure to the allergens and I understand that, so they will build some immunity to it. There is a fine line there too.......have to be so careful as not to get them sick because of the respiratory issues from prematurity.
suggestions are needed! The floor is yours!
Blessings and thanks in advance!
The last few days have been rough to say the least. The boys got great checkups Wednesday from the pediatrician. John is 35#, 41.25 inches tall. Mason is 40#, 41 inches tall. They are doing great after each a finger stick and 2 vaccines, except for their allergies. John's had already started acting up and now his are full blown and Mason are right behind. I have been up for 2 nights straight and John slept in our bed Tuesday night. Noses are running, sneezing and John just coughs, coughs, coughs, Mason's eyes are staying swollen. We are using some over the counter things and John had a steroid to help the inflammation in the lungs and lessen the coughing some. We also have started giving John honey, Mason will not touch it. They say if it is raw and local (it is since it's from our bees) that it will help with allergies. It has helped Big John and we are hoping for the same with Lil one.I also am using plain saline spray in their noses.
So, what works for your kiddos allergies? Would my pharmacist friend like to add something here....? Please!!! I am so tired and have a full blown sinus infection to boot and could use some advice!
The ped said the boys need some exposure to the allergens and I understand that, so they will build some immunity to it. There is a fine line there too.......have to be so careful as not to get them sick because of the respiratory issues from prematurity.
suggestions are needed! The floor is yours!
Blessings and thanks in advance!
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