Monday, March 8, 2010

What a Beautiful Day!

I am looking forward to this day! It is beautiful with a high of 72* today! Woohoo! I have many things to get accomplished today.

Pay bills
make tea
make gucamole
make beef stew
go to T'ville
get things ready for (big)John's b'day Thursday
order boys Easter outfits
do small grooup research
get sales ads/list/coupons ready for the week
picnic outside with the boys for lunch
play outside

More laundry! LOL

More dental work tomorrow.........boohoo.

Hope you have a great day! What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?


Nikki said...

It's beautiful here, too. I hope to play outside with the children this afternoon,

ADMIN said...

The weather has been nice here as well.
I hope that you have a fun picnic with your boys!

Anonymous said...

Marva, it sure sounds like you have been a busy bee too!

I think the blog for Layla Grace is just bogged down. They have been having problems with their server according the the family tweets.

Have a great night!

hugs and love