Monday, July 7, 2008

Is it Monday..........Already?

What a, sick babies, hospital, laundry, homemade ice cream and more work.

So it's Monday. First and foremost, please take a moment to pray when you read this next statement. My hubby was sent for an RA panel two weeks ago when he went in to see the orthopedic doctor about his knee. They are referring him to a RA doctor. We will have more details tomorrow. I will post about the facts when we know. He was told by the nurse that his "levels were abnormally high". God is great and bigger than any disease and we will praise him through it all!

Hopefully I slept in until 5 or 5:30am this morning (I am writing this at 10 pm Sunday night).

Get hubby's lunch packed and him off to work. Ge the boys up, fed, dressed, beds made, laundry started tea made and letters addressed for the post office. I also hope to grab a bit of breakfast somewhere in there. I also need to freshen up and get ready for my day. Take meds and vitamins, as well as pray.

8am Drop the boys off at preschool, then go by the post office. We received a card in our box that we had too much mail for our box (we did not check it for 6 days last week) I need to get tthat picked up.

Then I will mow our yard. Hubby will have to weedeat later. I have not mowed the grass since I found out i was expecting the boys in August of '05. That'll be a shocker for my system. It takes over an hour using a 46" deck John Deere mower. My parents yards take over 6 hours (straight mowing). I'll take ours anytime. Then I am going to clean the front porch and water all of the plants.

I also need to call the doctor for hubby and call and cancel an appointment.

I need to bathe then, run to CVS if time permits, catch up on some ironing, plan supper (as my monthly menu plans got lost in the peach orchard in May!;)

On to lunch and work by 12pm. I do not get off until 6pm. Monday morning is my off time for the whole next 7 days.YUCK!

I hope to get a lot accomplished today! Hope you all have a Marvelous Monday!



Anonymous said...

You are in my prayers! Girl I don't know how you keep up with it all and not collapse!

MyKidsMom said...

Take care of yourself dear friend; I know you're probably used to this harvest schedule, but it has to be alot more taxing with active little ones to take care of in the evenings. I'm glad you have a good support system going for you.

We'll keep your hubby in our prayers.

Mrs. Darling said...

Definitely praying Take care of yourself.

Nico said...

I hope that everyone is feeling much better! It sounds like you have a very busy week ahead of you.

ADMIN said...

The summer seems to be flying by! I hope that you have a nice week and work in some fun, too.