Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Staying Home?

Update........Hubby took off from work and took my parents to the neurosurgeon. I will post later about the results of the visit.

Please say another little prayer. I have been up since 1:30am so sick (both ends of the body). I hurt all over from all the forcefulness of it. I have used and taken Phenegran, as well as Imodium. Hubby took Monkey to preschool on his way to work. My friend Jennifer is here with Tiger and she just made a run to the pharmacy for me. Tiger will go to preschool at 10:30am

I almost can always get the red Powerade to stay down, so I have given it a try..........time will tell.

I want so badly to take my parents this afternoon! It is not looking likely at this time. Of all times to get sick!

I'll keep you posted!



Kylie's Mom said...

Oh dear, not a good time to get sick :( . Hope you're feeling better soon...

ADMIN said...

Marva, Please take it easy and try to get some rest. I'll be praying for you and your family.
Hugs, Mimi

Nico said...

Oh no, I hope that you feel much better soon! Sending big hugs your way, and praying for you too.