Monday, February 2, 2009

February 2 Spending

We needed a gallon of milk this morning. It was cold and raining and I did NOT want to have to get the boys out. I called my Daddy and since he was getting out anyhow, he picked it up and delivered it. He would not have any money for it, so I made them a seven layer salad for supper with homemade potato soup. My Mom is sick and she said she thought she could eat that. So, technically I spent NADA! Yippee!

Hubby spent nothing as well.

However, every Monday we have $25 transfered from checking into that counts.

$25 today for savings and i forgot that we paid $400 for a dental bill. YUCK!

Total $484.03 (for the month)



Amy said...

Savings doesn't least, I hope it doesn't. Way to not spend- whoohoo!

MyKidsMom said...

I'll pick you up a gallon of milk anytime..;)

It IS nice when you can actually put some money aside. We're trying to work on that as well. Good job!