Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Greeting Card Organization

Many of you know I am a frugal girl.
I always get lots of free calendars in the month of December.
I take one (this year's is a great Betty Crocker) and add magnets to the back and top of it and post on my refrigerator.
  • I put down all of the names of birthday, anniversaries and important dates (I also use it for appointments and so on so forth) I need to remember for the new year.
  • After I do that I make a card list.
  • I check my stockpile greeting card box and see what I have that will go with my list.
  • After I have done that I then go to the Christian bookstore (if they are having a sale) or go to the Dollar store (for $.50 per card) and get what I need.
  • I have a card box that has each month of the year listed in folder type things and I file for each person or couple.
  • When the new month rolls around I fill out each card and address the envelop, stamp it and it's ready to go.

I try to have this done by January 2nd. I am ashamed to say I am slacking this year. Oh well, maybe by next week?! I'll keep you posted.

How do you organize your greeting cards?


Nico said...

Wow Marva, you are so organized. Great tip on getting all of the Greeting cards together, you are too good :)

ADMIN said...

Great idea Marva!

Marva said...

Thanks Mimi and Nico! I am trying but it is difficult with 2 little ones running everywhere!