Monday, November 24, 2008

It's a Rainy One Here Today

I have so much to do today. I have s sitter for the boys, so they can stay in out of the weather. It is raining and cold, not too cold but the rain makes it seem even colder. Here's my to do for the day.

  1. Laundry (I've gotten a good start- 4 loads down)
  2. Strip and remake beds
  3. dentist appt. 11am
  4. Target
  5. Aldi
  6. CVS
  7. Post office
  8. Bank?
  9. Wal-Mart?
  10. IGA
  11. cook supper
  12. make tea
  13. Call Deb
  14. Call Leah
  15. Call portrait innovations
  16. pay bills and balance checkbook
  17. call ccc
  18. call Dr. K
  19. call U. D.
  20. clean kitchen
  21. do invites for open house and mail out
  22. finish Christmas card list and addresses in laptop
  23. go by and see my parents

I think that's all, at least I hope that's all!!!!

What's on your to do today? Are you playing catch up too?

Many blessings!!


Nikki said...

It's cloudy here right now, but it's supposed to rain tonight. Must be coming from the west since you have it now.

Mondays are always catch up days for me. Things just seem to get left undone over the weekend, don't they?

Anonymous said...

Today is cold and rainy here today and possible a dusting of snow this evening.

I am going to the gym to workout and then come home and meal plan for the next 4 weeks as my check will come Wednesday and I plan my grocery list and meal plan for the next 4 weeks.

We only go to the grocery once a month due to check comes once a month.

I am still looking up and planning for Thursday's Thanksgiving feast. I am also thinking of what I want to do for my 50th birthday day after Thanksgiving.

Gosh I am getting old 50
