Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Wow, it's 6:30am and I'm just rolling out of bed and the boys (all three of them) are still asleep. Hubby is home again today, not by choice though. There is not any work for him today. There are men in his company that have not worked any days in over two weeks, so we are blessed that he is getting to work at least three days a week. It is still difficult to pay the bills that way though.

Please say a prayer for my Daddy this morning. He is going back and have another surgery done on his face. They did not get all of the skin cancer the first time. Thank you for your prayers!

I have several things on the agenda today since hubby is home. I am going to the eye doctor today. I also need to get breakfast going and grab a quick bath. i hope the doctor can give me some relief. I am miserable!

I also intend (I promise!!!) to get the giveaway up with the contentment post. I have a couple of recipes to post too.

The house is in some order this morning and most of the laundry is caught up (or close enough), so I am oh so happy about that. The cleaning lady came yesterday and we bartered. That was wonderful. I gave her some homemade canned goodies and some mixes as well. She did a terrific job as usual!
The house was inn some kind of need of a deep cleaning.

What are you doing on this wonderful Wednesday? Whatever it is, I hope you are blessed!



Anonymous said...

Hi Marva, Sorry to hear about work being slow for your hubs.

Have a really great day!

Michelle said...

I hope that you get some drops for your eye and that you feel better soon. I plan on cleaning today and maybe doing some Christmas shopping for the boys.

Take Care

Southerner said...

My husband works for a company that contracts him out to the government. He did not get paid his overtime last check and was told he had to take the comp time instead so he will take off Friday afternoon. I can not imagine for y'all not being able to work AND GET PAID! Is there anything he can try to start doing on the side that he could work at as time comes? My husband worked Dominos last year and made around $60 a night. I don't know how the bad economy would play into that now- fewer pizza orders and less tipping. Trust God to provide what extra you need and the way to get it if he does have to find additional work. Do you have a UPS around there? I know they hire loaders that work around 3 in the morning. They pay well and he might could work around his regurlar job. He physically might not be able to do that???

Nikki said...

What a great idea: to barter for your housecleaning! I wonder if that would work for me....

Nico said...

I hope that your day is going well, and that you and your Dad feel better soon!

Mrs. Darling said...

So I see the title LATE on my google reader. I fly over here to see what you're late about. I thought sure you meant you were late as know... late.. as in maybe pregnant!

But guess not! *wink*

mom2twins04 said...

I will be praying for you and your family... I don't want your husband to end up like mine... we signed on our house on a Tuesday and he was told the same Friday that his job was cut... now we have a house payment and 3 kids that won't have much of a Christmas... I would be content in knowing that the bills would all be paid and I would have enough money for food and gas... We have cut out all restraunt trips, sodas, and anything that I would not have batted an eyelash at 3 weeks ago... his unemployment still has not kicked in and I have no idea how we will pay for things like electric and heat... let alone food... what about car payments... Please pray for our family as I am having a very hard time trying to leave my trust in God.... I know that he provides, but am still scared...
Hope your eye gets better... I will pray that his job will continue and will begin to pick up...

Steph at Problem Solvin' Mom said...

Sending warm wishes and prayers for peace and comfort! Hope you're feeling better soon and that things pick up for your hubs at work.

Sounds like a great trade on the housework! I could really use that right now...
