Monday, December 24, 2007


I have a long list and am thankful........just to be able to do it (or at least try).

  1. Get ready
  2. make bed
  3. unload/reload dw
  4. finish wrapping
  5. make breakfast menu for in the am
  6. Wal-Mart
  7. bank
  8. P.O.
  9. Aunt C's
  10. Comp. shop
  11. take gifts to my parents
  12. Blockbuster
  13. make jerky
  14. clean kitchen, sweep, wipe counters and mop?
  15. laundry (whatever I can get finished is fine)
  16. charge cameras
  17. make Jesus a b'day cake and leave Santa a piece tonight
  18. put together blocks and toys for Santa gifts
  19. Put away gifts from the weekend
  20. put away wrapping stuff and clean out master bedroom

I thank that is all for now. Have a blessed day! And a Merry Christmas!


Nikki said...

I wish I could come over and help with everything you have to do today. I really don't have much to do, and I would love to get out of the house for a little while. I really don't want to sit around all day looking at my mother-in-law and her husband, trying to think of something to do. Thankfully, we have a service at church tonight at 5:00, so we will need to leave around 4:00. That's something!

Mrs. Darling said...

OOO thats a long list for Christmas Eve!

Popping over to wish you and yours a blessed Christmas!

Marva said...

Thanks Nikki! I wish you could too! Blessings!

Thank you Mrs. Darling!